Best Bicep Workout Routine - Stylecraze Fitness

The “Biceps Muscle is a lot different from what others think it really is. The Biceps only makes up about 1/3 of the arm. Still, it is an important part of the body and helps us in many activities.

Hence we have to keep it strong and flexible, as much as we can. So let us look at a few exercises, which can really help in building up the Biceps.

The Standing Barbell Biceps Curl: This exercise actually affects the Biceps, which is the big muscle and also hits the complete Biceps region all at once. Your elbows should be tucked in against your torso. Also keep your back straight and squeeze your biceps. Do not rock your body during the lift. Keep your hands apart about a shoulder width, outside your thighs. Repeat 4-5 times in asset of 3 each for best results.

Chin-Ups: Chin ups work on your back, enabling expanding all 3 parts of the Biceps and the forearms. Make sure that you lower yourself all the way downwards, and your arms are really extended. Then lift yourself up until your Biceps are contracted. If you are able to 12 chin-ups in a set, begin to add weight plates to increase the force and difficulty.

Space your hands about shoulder width apart.EZ Bar Biceps Preacher Curls: EZ bar biceps preacher curls are one of the best ways to emphasize thickness and width to the biceps. Sit on a preacher bench so that your armpits rest comfortably at the top of the pad.

First do 2 sets with your hands spaced widely apart, and then 2 do sets with your hands spaced with a narrow grip. Make sure to lower all the way down…Incline Biceps Dumbbell Curls: Incline biceps dumbbell curls are fantastic for emphasizing the lower part of the biceps giving the biceps a really full look. Set the bench to a 60 degree angle at first and supinate during the motion–at the bottom of the motion start with your palms facing in towards your legs.

Gradually throughout the motion rotate your palm so that it faces forward. The twisting motion makes sure that the motion works strongly on the biceps.So get into action! Make the best of these exercises and strengthen your Biceps! The results will be fantastic!

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