How To Do Malasana (Garland Pose) & Its Benefits

Malasana, or Garland Pose, is a yogi’s squat. In it you utilize the complete range of motion of the legs by bending the knees fully until the pelvis is resting at the back of the heels. Practicing the prep poses here and, eventually, the full expression of Malasana will help you regain this primary and essential movement, and help tone and strengthen the legs.

Squatting is also believed to help with digestion: As the pelvis descends, you encourage the downward flowing energy of apana vayu, which, according to some yoga traditions, helps the body eliminate waste and clear the mind.

This pose is often placed in the middle of a yoga session as it is simpler than other complicated poses but complex enough to keep the body’s rhythm and still give a break. Benefit To Body Part :The garland pose can benefit the body in many different ways including being good for the legs and tummy.

1. It strengthens, the legs, ankles, knees, thighs along with strengthening the spine and stretching the torso.

2. It helps the groin and also improves the digestive tract, helping the body expel waste matter efficiently.

Therapeutic Applications :

1. This pose is often recommended to pregnant women. In various practices of yoga, the garland pose is also a recommended pose for pregnant women as it helps their bodies prepare for labor.

2. The pose is known to loosen the hip joint and has been known to bring on labor.

3. The pose is also a good pose to alleviate constipation.Precautions :If you suffer from any form of lower back or knee injury you should avoid this pose

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