How To Do Tadasana (Mountain Pose) & Its Benefits - Best Yoga Videos

Tadasana is one of the many poses of yoga that helps in the overall development of the body and certain body parts. Tadasana, when translated to English, means the Mountain Pose.

It is the basic pose, which helps to learn the basic and the right way to stand, hold and maintain balance. This is what makes Tadasana special, since the basic standing pose is the best to start practicing all other poses of yoga.

It teaches the basics and foundation of yoga as you maintain balance when you stand on your feet. The Mountain Pose is one of the most basic postures of yoga and sometimes a part of many beginners yoga series.

Tadasana/Mountain Pose yoga benefits to the body are as follows:-

1. Helps you learn to maintain balance through a higher degree of control of your own body.

2. Helps your posture to improve and betters your ability to sustain and hold the posture for a longer period of time.

3. Helps you tone, strengthen and stretch your knees, back, arms, thighs. It also works on your core stomach muscles.

4. This posture also helps to understand the basics of breathing. It also helps one to do the breathing exercises properly.

5. As you use your feet, legs and arms to balance and stretch the body, you also add more mobility, agility and flexibility to the entire body.

6. With the shift from standing to bending, you work on your buttocks and shape your gluteus muscles. And at the same time, practicing this asana also strengthens and shapes your core, stomach and abdominal muscles.

7. Reduces the flat feet phenomena and also helps relieve constipation and gas formation.

8. Helps improve blood circulation and moves the blood properly throughout the blood stream.

9. With the proper flow of blood to all parts of the body, this asana improves digestion. It is good for the urinary system and also great for brain stimulation.This is one among the four basic stretches of back pain relief yoga.

Watch how to get relief from back pain: Yoga for Back Pain

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